Wednesday 4 March 2009

Daniel Agnew

Daniel is probably best known for running Christie`s famous Teddy Bear auctions from 2000 to 2007, but his passion for Teddy Bears and all toys goes back much further than that.

Daniel`s mother, Marion Agnew is a well-respected antique dealer known throughout Britain. As a child he was fascinated with the bits and pieces that she bought home from her various buying trips. Daniel started to attend auctions and shows with her at the weekends and as a child of 9 or 10, what caught his eye most were the toys. His first collection was a lead farm; this led onto a zoo and a garden. Followed by Golly badges, Felix and Bonzo collectables, novelty egg cups and then antique teddy bears. Without knowing it, he had contracted a virulent caseof onr of themost compilsive diseases, "The Collecting Bug".

His first reference book was `The Teddy Bear Catalogue`, written by Peggy & Alan Bialosky, published in 1980 and bought for the grand total of 3.50. This book showed Daniel the amazing array of Teddy Bears available. In those days, within these pages, were Steiff clown bears valued at $175 and the most expensive Steiff was $850! A far cry from today's values.

Daniel`s collection began to grow and prices for Teddy Bears increased. A key influence on Daniel was the late Pam Hebbs. They regularly met at Covent Garden or Bermondsey Market where Daniel`s mother had a stall and Pam was looking for bears to buy. The growth in the bear market is well documented, but in the year Daniel joined Christie`s, the record price had reached dizzy heights, when in 1989 Alfonzo, a red Steiff teddy bear, which was originally the property of Princess Xenia Georgievna, a member of the Russian royal family, sold for £12,100.

Daniel joined the toy department at Christie`s in 1991 and just a few years later in 1993 advised and helped set up Christie`s first Teddy Bear auction. During the planning process for the auction, it was obvious a star of the show was required. Christie`s doll consultant, Olivia Bristol, came up trumps, discovering while chatting to a client at Newark Antiques Fair, that they had a blue Steiff teddy bear! It was a bold move of Olivia’s to value him at £15,000-20,000, but, she was proved right when he reached the amazing sum of £49,500!!! How could that be beaten? Well, the following December sale Christie`s sold Teddy Girl for £110,000, which is still the world record price for an antique teddy bear (both these historic catalogues are available to buy on this site – Buy Today - Catalogues and Reference Books).

In the summer of 1999 Daniel stepped into the shoes of Leyla Maniera who had been running the Teddy Bear department at Christie's for a number of years. His first challenge was to put together the famous December sale. It was virtually like starting from scratch, but a big publicity push and a marketing campaign resulted in one fairly good collection and some nice bears consigned for the auction. What, again, was missing was a star. Amazingly it was at the last minute that over the once famous valuation counter at Christie's South Kensington came a black Steiff Teddy Bear. As most people know this is one of the most highly prized bears that Steiff produced and this one was in exceptional condition; the bear was consigned at £15,000-20,000. I think everyone was pleased when the catalogue arrived through their letter boxes to see the auctions could continue as before. The day came and on Monday 4th December the black Steiff Teddy Bear made a staggeriing £91,500. (this catalogue is also available here)

Over the next seven years there were many highlights in all Daniel's fields of expertise. A wonderful dolls' house, Dingley Hall, was sold for £124,000; having the pleasure of selling an original set of Zippy, George and Bungle puppets/costumes from the children's programme Rainow; as well as working with Bob Carolgees to sell the original Spit the Dog. Numerous rare and important Teddy Bears passed through his hands including Pat and Nora; two Teddy Bears, an elephant and a tiger once the property of Clifford Berryman and The Teddy Bear Museum, Stratford-Upon-Avon. Sadly in May 2007 Christie's decided to stop selling most collectable subjects, so The Teddy Bear Museum in September 2007 was the end of an era.

For the last 20 years, Daniel's collection has grown immensley. He is constantly adding new items; and especially loves anything early with labels, mad comic characters or anything that has not been seen before. Much of the collection can be seen on this site at My Collection. However, for the last couple of years a large proportion has been of permanent loan to the Brighton Toy and Model Museum

Another project for Daniel is the compilation of a definitive compendium on the British Teddy Bear. Extensive research is being carried out and when eventually finished will be a must for any bear collector. For further details on this or to find out how to help create this book, look at My Library.

Daniel is currently self-employed, advising clients, dealing on this website, attending shows and generally working at promoting antique Teddy Bear and toy collecting.

If you would like to contact Daniel please email

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